The Spring Tide

The Spring Tide

The Spring Tide

Carol Vine

The Spring Tide

The Spring Tide

Carol Vine


Suzy has loved Lan her whole life, or so it seems. A world without Lan in it would be unimaginable. But the strongest feelings are also the most dangerous, and Suzy is afraid. Instead of Lan, she opts for a life of safety, convincing herself over the years that this is the right path. But even as life's circumstances pull them apart, still they are drawn to one another by a deep and irresistible bond that is inevitable as the tide. After years apart, Lan's final return shatters everything Suzy has made her own a home, a husband, a son. As her world begins to unravel, Suzy must confront her fears and her desire. A decision must be made, whatever the cost.



Carol Vine